Teresa Popp
Credentials: PhD Student - Lee Lab
Email: tpopp@wisc.edu
The goal of my research is to gain fundamental insights into the physiological and evolutionary mechanisms of freshwater adaptation by invasive speciecs.
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree in iBio?
My interests are multidisciplinary. By combining the principles of Ecology, Evolution and Physiology I can approach questions from multiple facets of biology, thus leading to a well rounded understanding and interpretation of results.
Why or what do you love about the program?
The amount of support this program offers students is incredible. I have never felt like can’t find help if I need it. This could be regarding my research or personal life.
Fun fact about yourself: Mother of 2
Educational Background:
BS. Saint Ambrose University, MS Georgia Southern University, MS College of Charleston
Lab: https://carollee.labs.wisc.edu/Lee.html