Alyse Maksimoski
Credentials: PhD Student - Riters Lab
Position title: Honorary Fellow
Pronouns: (She/they)
I study the neurobiological modulation of social behavior. Specifically, I currently focus on the role of the mesolimbic system and its associated nuclei in the motivation and reward of flocking behavior in songbirds.
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree in iBio?
I love that research is all about asking and answering questions about the world around us.
Why or what do you love about the program?
iBio is so supportive and non-competitive; we congratulate and celebrate each other.
Future Plans: I hope to continue to study the neural basis of social behavior in non-clinical species as a postdoc in a couple of years
Fun Fact: I love to explore the outdoors and have a 7-year-old dog named Lady.
Educational Background:
Zoology, B.S., Michigan State University