Timon Keller
Credentials: PhD Student - Turner Lab
Email: ttkeller@wisc.edu
I study how climate change and disturbance regimes impact ecosystem processes and structure in forests of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Lab: http://landscape.zoology.wisc.edu/index.html
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree in iBio?
I decided to pursue a degree in iBio to develop strong research skills that I can use to contribute information towards the management of forest ecosystems in the face of climate change.
Why or what do you love about the program?
Everyone in the department is passionate about their work, super friendly, and always willing to share about their research which makes studying here a lot of fun. I also love the flexibility to take classes that contribute to exactly what I want to do.
Future Plans: Time will tell
Fun Fact: I love to spend as much time as I can outside.
Educational Background:
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Minor in Sustainability from Principia College. Master in Environmental Management in Global Sustainability from Western Colorado University.
Lab: http://landscape.zoology.wisc.edu/index.html