Kaylee Browder

Credentials: PhD Student - Newmark/Issigonis Lab

Email: klbrowder@wisc.edu

I study the mechanisms by which germ cells are regulated, and how localized niche cues and physiological/environmental signals regulate their proper differentiation.

Lab: https://morgridge.org/research/labs/newmark/research/

Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree in iBio?

The flexibility of the iBio degree track is conducive to exploration in many different areas of biology.

Why or what do you love about the program?

iBio is a group that ties science and community together with so many ways to be involved and grow as a scientist.

Fun fact about yourself:

When I’m not in the lab, you can find me in hot yoga, at pilates, or running on one of the many paths in Madison.

Educational background:

Biological Sciences, B.S. from Clemson University

Lab: https://morgridge.org/research/labs/newmark/research/