Katie Andresen
Credentials: PhD Student - Madison Lab
Pronouns: (she/her)
Email: kgandresen@wisc.edu
My lab studies genetic regulation of social behaviors in songbirds, particularly in Gouldian finches and zebra finches.
Lab: https://integrativebiology.wisc.edu/staff/madison-farrah/
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree in iBio?
I have always wanted to work with birds and have an interest in the genetics underlying neuroscience and behavior, so Farrah’s lab is my dream lab!
Why or what do you love about the program?
I love the broad array of topics being studied in this department, along with the opportunities for tailoring your education to fit your personal career and professional development goals.
Fun fact about yourself:
I’ve recently started a new hobby- scuba diving!
Educational background:
BS in Biological Sciences from University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Lab: https://integrativebiology.wisc.edu/staff/madison-farrah/