Graduate Student Scholarships

Departmental scholarships and awards applications are due on March 1  at 11:59 PM.

Note: The JJD has an additional application deadline of  April 1

John Jefferson Davis Travel Award

Graduate Summer Research Awards

Dr. Stanley Weinreb and Dr. Eva Lurie Weinreb Graduate Student-Fellowship

William C. Burns and Lemuel A. Fraser Teaching Enrichment Scholarship


Description: This scholarship was established to aid the Department of Integrative Biology in its support of graduate teaching assistants. The fund was created in April 1994 with gifts from faculty, friends, corporations and foundations on Professor William C. Burns’ retirement from UW-Madison. At UW-Madison, Bill taught comparative anatomy and parasitology, as well as being department chair. In July 2007, Bill requested that the fund name be changed to include his long-time friend and colleague, Emeritus Zoology Professor Lemuel A. Fraser, who had just passed away. The scholarship provides up to $1000 for the upcoming fall semester.

Eligibility: Graduate students who have been teaching assistants for Zoology 101, 102, 151, and/or 152 during their first year (or two semesters) of teaching. Consideration will be given to students who demonstrate promise and excellence in the teaching of introductory courses.

Application process: Student applicants should submit a brief personal statement regarding their suitability for the scholarship, a copy of their UW-Madison student record (unofficial transcript), a CV, a list of the course(s) they taught, and name and contact information of a faculty or instructional staff member of the Department of Integrative Biology who can comment on your teaching by March 1. Personal statements should address how teaching any of the introductory courses has influenced your teaching style and impacted your graduate career. Applications should be emailed to Nazan Gillie ( as a single PDF file. Award decisions will be made by early April.

Rita and Kenneth Hoots Graduate Student Scholarship


Description: This scholarship was established to assist graduate students within the Department of Integrative Biology who have financial need.

Eligibility:The award provides up to a $2,000 scholarship to a Department of Integrative Biology graduate student for the upcoming fall semester. Any Integrative Biology or Freshwater and Marine Sciences Ph.D. or M.S. student whose advisor has a 50% or greater appointment in Integrative Biology is eligible. Students graduating in the spring or summer of the award year, and those who have previously received the scholarship, are not eligible.

Application process: Student applicants should email a one page cover letter briefly describing their research area and a CV by email to Kelin Boldiis ( Application materials should be submitted as a single PDF file by March 1.

Netzer-Brouchoud Scholarship


Description: This scholarship was established by Lanore A. Netzer and her husband Glen G. Eye to honor Lanore’s father, Henry Nathan Netzer, a farmer and lumberjack who loved the outdoors, and Lanore and Glen’s nephew, Bernard Netzer Brouchoud, a naturalist with a special interest in birds. The scholarship provides up to $1,500 in tuition assistance for the upcoming fall semester.

Eligibility: Students must 1. be a graduate student actively working with a faculty member with at least a 50%-time appointment in the Department of Integrative Biology, and 2. be studying wild bird life. Consideration will be given to need, extracurricular activities, and academic standing of student. Students graduating in the spring or summer of the award year are not eligible.

Application process: Applicants should submit a brief personal statement regarding their suitability for the scholarship, a resume, and a copy of their UW-Madison student record (unofficial transcript) by March 1 at 11:59 pm. Applications should be emailed to Kelin Boldiis ( as a single PDF file. Award decisions will be made by mid- April.

University & External Scholarships

  • Aldo Leopold Graduate Research Award some students in iBio may be eligible for the award
  • The Graduate school’s fellowship office has some sponsored fellowship opportunities. They also have other resources when looking for external fellowships. Including their  forward funding series. It has various events and workshops to support students looking for external fellowships.
  • The Graduate school recommends and uses the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Fellowship Finder. It’s a great tool when searching for external fellowships.
  • The University has a Student Research Grants Competition. They have two awards, one to support travel expenses for students presenting research at conferences and another to support students traveling to conduct research supporting their dissertation, thesis, or final exhibition.
  • The institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) manages its own funding opportunities and coordinates the campus component of a number of external programs. Many of these scholarships are for working/studying abroad.
  • The Wisconsin Hub is a site with much more scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students but there are some options for graduate students.
  • The University also has the Grants Information Collection for help with your funding search.