‘Free-range scientist’ Steve Carpenter remains inspired, inspiring — even in retirement
News items
Raging Wildfire
Monica Turner shares findings from Yellowstone research in The New York Times
Faculty Focus
Hilary Dugan will join the department and the CFL in January as an Assistant Professor
Lake Health
Emily Stanley shares findings from climate change research in The New York Times
Museum News
Campus museums recreate ‘cabinet of natural history’ digitally
Model Lake
Steve Carpenter sounds a warning for Lake Mendota on the cover of Isthmus Magazine
Tropical Research
Ecologist Jacob Usinowicz discovers coexistence is path to diversity in tropical trees
Yellowstone Research
Monica Turner shares insights from research in Yellowstone National Park
Plentiful Planarians
Phil Newmark studies the regenerative properties of these small, nondescript flatworms
Jumping Worms
Citizen scientists scour the Madison area for this invasive species